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If you haven’t already, take a moment to watch our CrossFit Jozi Kids or Masters classes running. Although their ages are on opposite ends of the spectrum, both groups have a lesson for all. It probably has a bit to do with the older folk being a lot like kids, and that is said with most respect. The Goldies, who they are affectionately referred to as, have life lessons and wisdom under their belts. So they have the same lack of inhibition, and playful nature that the kids have. That is, until Tia has them in check!

The lesson we have to learn from these athletes is a simple one – have fun, just like you’re a kid again!

A lot of what we do in class requires a lot of attention and focus, and that’s part of what makes the program so beneficial. But you can still have that focus and attention, and get a really effective workout in, while still having lots of fun. Don’t be afraid to screw up. Have a laugh when you do. Have a laugh at someone else when they screw up too. The last time you spent so much time upside down was when you were a kid. When you were a kid you didn’t think about falling over and feeling embarrassed, and that’s the only reason you were better at handstands then than you are now. Okay, maybe the belly you’ve gained since doesn’t help, but that’s your fault!

Your health and fitness, in my opinion, is serious. You need to cherish it. You need to think about what you’re doing in a session for your safety and to get the most out of the session. But the gym is essentially a big playground for you. So be a kid and have some fun 🙂

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