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The Open provided a great opportunity to highlight what CrossFit is really about. Ladies getting their first pull-ups. The guy that lost 30kg of weight prior to completing his first Open. The people that battled through a workout for over 30 minutes when others got it done in less than half that time.

March was an inspirational month, and our two Athletes of the Month were great sources of inspiration. Click on the image slider above to see who they are, and learn a bit about them below.


Jane MacKinnon

I’ve been training at CrossFit Jozi since:
August 2012, and it’s been quite a journey. I have needed (and still do need) a huge amount of instruction and help to get things right, but the coaches have shown me endless patience and professionalism. It’s so nice to be a part of this young and diverse community.

I discovered CrossFit through:
Gavin Cooke, MD of REBEL, who introduced me to Imtiaz. That was in 2010 after his return from New Zealand, when he was just setting up CFJ. As a physio (functional movement rules!) it really appealed to me though I only got around to doing the Jump-Up 18 months later.

The most significant change in my health since starting CrossFit has been:
The increase in my upper body strength. Although I have yet to manage a pull up……
There are also “mental health benefits” from being exposed to CFJ’s structure and management style: committing to a class you’ve booked, being on time, being mindful of others etc. all instil a sense of discipline and integrity seemingly so lacking in what goes on around us in SA in 2014. At the original CFJ box there was a great ‘rules of conduct’ poster on the wall, I remember something about leaving your ego at the door…. OK lecture over, but take it from an oldie – the discipline you learn here will take you far.

My biggest challenge in CrossFit is:
That pull up! And if I can mention a second one – mobility.

What keeps you coming back?
The unknown keeps me coming back. I don’t look at the WOD online before classes – surprises rule. And of course the amazing encouragement and help from ALL of the coaches (thanks Tia and Mike!) – it IS possible to teach old dogs new tricks – I didn’t think I’d be doing handstands and rope climbs after my half century. It’s all FUN, just like being a school kid again!

If I could use one word to describe myself it would be:
Happy (mostly)

My favorite activity outside of CrossFit is:
Trail running that involves travel, and climbing mountains.

My favorite place to eat in Jozi is:
Home! (read: big family/limited disposable income/seldom eat out)

My proudest accomplishment at CrossFit Jozi is:
Remembering some of your names! But jokes aside, I am very pleased that I managed to get through at least some of those burpees and 30kg thrusters during the Open 14.5 workout. And then could hardly walk the next day.

My goals for the remainder of the year:
Did I mention a pull up?…..Also toes to bar would be rather cool.


Shaun Gray

I’ve been training at CrossFit Jozi since:
June 2013

I discovered CrossFit through:
A very good friend of mine (who has since opened in his own box)

The most significant change in my health since starting CrossFit has been:
Suffered from HORRIBLE heartburn just about 24/7 before I started. Don’t remember the last time I’ve had heartburn now. Also, losing 2 (pushing 3 now) pants sizes always helps.

My biggest challenge in CrossFit is:
Pistols. Seems like an impossible hurdle in my life at the moment. (But I’ll get them by end of June)

The drive to better myself and being able to do things which I never thought possible keeps me coming back.

If I could use one word to describe myself it would be:

My favorite activity outside of CrossFit is:
Spending time with family and friends. They mean the world to me.

My favorite place to eat in Jozi is:
I don’t go out to restaurants too often. I’m a bit of a pseudo chef and cook a lot. Therefore, I believe I cook the best steaks in Johannesburg 🙂

My proudest accomplishment at CrossFit Jozi is:
Every time I do something that I would never have thought possible a year ago, I feel an enormous sense of accomplishment. My first rope climb. My first HSPU. My first set of more than 2 kipping pull-ups. My first DU. I’m sure this list will keep growing

My goals for the remainder of the year are:
My most immediate goal is the elusive pistol. My overall goal for 2014 however is to compete and do well at UWS later this year. Last year looked like such a blast!

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