What Do You Do For A Job?
I own a scrap metal dealership. We export steel to India & China, and sell to the local foundries to produce pretty much anything made out of steel.
How Long Have You Been Training At CFJ East?
My husband, Warren and I joined in April this year
How Did You First Hear About CrossFit?
We have a few friends that train at the box and they always spoke about it, so we thought we’d give it a try.
Are There Any Memories From Your First Days That You’d Like To Share?
Warren and I had just gotten back from two weeks in the Maldives doing no exercise at all and on the first night we joined we had to do the baseline. I seriously thought I’d never get through it. I was stiff for the entire week, but determined to get fitter.
What Is The Coolest Thing That You Have Achieved At CFJ East?
One toes-to-bar, that one time. With a preggie belly I might add!
Just getting through each workout is pretty cool. Looking at the board thinking I’ll never get that done in the time cap, then smashing it out is very rewarding
What Changes In Your Health Have You Noticed Since Starting?
I feel fitter, stronger, healthier. You gain a new type of respect for your body when you are able to push yourself beyond what you think your restrictions are and achieve things you thought were near impossible for your body.
Favourite Exercise?
I really enjoy the metcons. I feel I’ve accomplished something great after an intense session
What Is Your Biggest Challenge In CrossFit?
Definitely the bar in general. Especially snatches. Weights are something I’ve never trained with so it’s something I continuously need to work on.
At this stage being over 5 months pregnant it’s a huge challenge in adjusting to my changing body and the limitations that has on training. Having to scale down every week instead of going heavier / faster is at times frustrating but I’m learning to accept it.
List Some Of Your Big Goals.
My only goal right now is to train consistently each week for as long as I can until the little one decides to come. Being active during the pregnancy, although challenging at times, really makes you feel better about yourself.
What Is Your Nutrition Fit? (Paleo, Zone, Anything And Everything, Etc.)
I wouldn’t say anything in particular but I try eat as clean & healthy as possible 80% of the time. We are fairly strict during the week but weekends we tend to relax on the food a little.
If You Could Invite 3 Famous People To Dinner, Who Would They Be?
Jimmy Fallon , Will Ferrell and Rebel Wilson. Only because they are all equally hilarious.
Who Inspires You At CFJ East?
I’d describe it as inspiring / frustratingly jealous…. But my husband Warren. He is just ridiculously good at EVERYTHING he attempts. He is beyond athletic / strong / determined (I’m praying our little girl inherits those genes from him)
Every single member at the box inspires me daily. Everyone shows up, pushes hard through the WOD while having fun and staying so positive and encouraging others. The dedication, comradery and spirit in the box is what makes Crossfit better than any other facility.
The coaches are incredible at motivating and encouraging. Carl & Andre make you feel like you can achieve any goal you set for yourself which makes venturing outside your comfort zone so much easier.
Tell Us Something We Don’t Know About You.
I’m terribly OCD so I will never end a set on an odd number. Ill push to make sure the last one ends on an even number.