Working from home does have its benefits.
There is no traffic, you can have a lie in and sweat pants are on permanent rotation.
However, maintaining balance, and the boundary between work and leisure time is often a challenge.
Do you find yourself thinking about work, answering emails or replying to work messages even when you have clocked off and are spending time with your family? This is a recipe for burnout, and frustration between you and those who look forward to spending time with you.
Try these quick tips to help you maintain balance (and sanity) if working from home is your new normal.
Know when to knock off
Without the usual sights and sounds of an exodus at knock-off time, it can be easy to lose track of time. Set an alarm for 30 minutes before your usual close of day and begin to wind down your work day.
Productivity and output
You might find that working from home is more productive. The office environment can be full of time wasters. Without the usual distractions you can find your flow and power through tasks in much less time. Don’t feel guilty about this. Use the extra time for self-care, new hobbies, self-improvement or family time.
Plan your day
Take a few moments before the end of your day to plan your tasks for the next day. This allows your mind to relax, knowing that you have a to-do-list for important items and unfinished tasks.
Turn your computer off
This makes is more difficult to check emails or to sneak in a few minutes work when you should be relaxing.
Transition time
Allow yourself time to decompress from work and get into the right frame of mind for your family or leisure time. This could include a shower and change of clothes, a workout, and a few moments of reading, stretching or meditating. Whatever allows you to effectively switch gears.
Coach Lisa