What drove you to join CrossFit Jozi East?
My training partner and Best friend Chantal got me signed up for the Jump up sessions for my birthday 2 years ago. And I’ve never looked back since!
How long have you been a member for?
Since July 2014
Who inspires you?
With out a doubt the members at Jozi! Afternoon Crew;) We have an amazing bunch of people with a variety of strengths so its amazing to see the progress over a period of time! And most of my friends and family enjoy the sport as well!
What are you doing when you aren’t at the gym?
Besides working (all the time) hahaha, I enjoy 5 or 10 km runs and recently started mountain biking, oh and Shopping is a sport too;)
Tell us one interesting thing that people might not know about you?
I have a fear of flying
What was your favorite childhood T.V Programme?
I Loved Pumpkin Patch and Power Puff Girls
If you had to have a super power what would it be and why?
Time traveller! To relive those amazing moments in your life or to visit your future self!
What would your perfect workout be?
I love crazy metcons! Fast pace, anything for time!
What has been your most memorable class or session at CFJ East?
It has to be my first Throwdown in 2014! 3 months after starting I did my first in-house competition, and well, I got to find out the true Crossfit Jozi spirit! Last person in the workout, 30 overhead squats to go and all 70 odd people surrounded me and supported me through every rep until I finished! It was scary and exhilarating at the same time, but one of my best memory’s yet.
What might we find in your fridge at home?
Nail Polish
What Is The Coolest Thing That You Have Achieved At CFJ East?
One has to be box jumps(Me and those boxes had issues in the pastJ and then toes to bars!
What Changes In Your Health Have You Noticed Since Starting?
Firstly I have more energy the more I train, which is such a huge aspect when it comes to managing your stress and trying to balance your lifestyle! My strength in general has improved greatly and with that I’m able to do more, train for longer and recover quicker.
List Some Of Your Big Goals.
Right now my focus is pushing myself to do level 2 while in class and also adding 1kg to my barbell to help me overcome those numbers that I’m stuck on. The ultimate Goal for me is being able to perform each lifting, gymnastics and conditioning movement that we cover in CrossFit.