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Roche van Niekerk

What Do You Do For A Job?

We own and manage a construction company that does Civil Engineering Services

How Long Have You Been Training At CFJ East?

Just over 1 year now Started “Jump Up” 2 Feb 2015

How Did You First Hear About CrossFit?

Not too sure, I was tired of the same old same old and drove past the box for a really long time and just decided its time

Are There Any Memories From Your First Days That You’d Like To Share?

I remember my conversation with Marilize before our open session on a Saturday with Andre before we started Jump Up. We spoke about our level of fitness, I said I was probably at 50% and after the session I told Marilize I was terribly mistaken 15% was a better figure.

What Is The Coolest Thing That You Have Achieved At CFJ East?

Recently Muscle-Ups, but everything and anything Overhead is an Achievement

What Changes In Your Health Have You Noticed Since Starting?

Well I stopped ageing since I started, ask me again in a couple of years…

Favourite Exercise?

My best is Pull ups, but what I enjoy is Snatches!

What Is Your Biggest Challenge In CrossFit?

Shoulder Mobility… and getting there @5AM 😉

List Some Of Your Big Goals.

Hand Stand Push-ups

Getting Everything done RX’d

What Is Your Nutrition Fit? (Paleo, Zone, Anything And Everything, Etc.)

Paleo 80%, Anything and Everything 20%

If You Could Invite 3 Famous People To Dinner, Who Would They Be?

Sylvester Stallone

Albert Einstein


Who Inspires You At CFJ East?

Definitely my Wifey, she has got to get both of us out of bed every morning!!

She works hard on her mobility and she really pushed hard in this year’s Open!

Tell Us Something We Don’t Know About You?

I would rather travel the world than own a mansion

4×4 and recently Jeep enthusiast, like to go to very remote places

I hide my OCD very well…

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