Johan Beukman
What Do You Do For A Job?
Business manager, JJ Truck Repair & Refurbishers (family business). And in my spare time I do some video production.
How Long Have You Been Training At CFJ East?
2014/07/14 I started with my jump up classes.
How Did You First Hear About CrossFit?
My best friends Marius Hofmeyr and Tersha Winter could not stop talking about this circus. So I needed to see were the monkeys go now a days.
Are There Any Memories From Your First Days That You’d Like To Share?
Except for searching for my lungs and some energy, my pants tore on bring your buddy to class. First failed memory.
What Is The Coolest Thing That You Have Achieved At CFJ East?
I think it would be a muscle up. Still very dodgy, but getting there.
What Changes In Your Health Have You Noticed Since Starting?
Everything, healthier, more active.
Favourite Exercise?
In CrossGit…. Nothing….. Maybe the rest station….. 😉 I love all Olympic lifting movements
What Is Your Biggest Challenge In CrossFit?
A FREAKIN burpee… that’s a challenge to throw yourself on the ground and then jump up like nothing happened. O ja to celebrate that nobody sees you, you clap your hands above your head. I don’t like a burpee.
List Some Of Your Big Goals.
Competing in the United We Stand and Last man Standing teams, and finishing as one of the top 10 teams.
What Is Your Nutrition Fit? (Paleo, Zone, Anything And Everything, Etc.)
At the moment just eating healthy. I did the fitchef 21 day detox challenge 54 meals and 44 smoothies and lost 9kg and dropped another 4kg after that, just by eating right no sugar.
If You Could Invite 3 Famous People To Dinner, Who Would They Be?
Julie Foucher
Dave Grohl, Foo Fighters
Julie Foucher
Johnny Depp
Julie Foucher
Who Inspires You At CFJ East?
Everybody, all the coaches, all the members at CFJ HQ and CFJ East, they all inspire and supporting me to train and work harder for all the small goals to reach my personal best!
Tell Us Something We Don’t Know About You.
Love to travel, camping and still playing guitar hero like a rock star.