Marilize van Niekerk
What Do You Do For A Job?
I work as an office administrator for my husband’s construction company CESBE.
How Long Have You Been Training At CFJ East?
Since February this year.
How Did You First Hear About CrossFit?
I actually heard about CrossFit from one of my old school friends Annemarie and then I regularly saw some pictures on her FB profile. My husband finally took the first steps to get us involved.
Are There Any Memories From Your First Days That You’d Like To Share?
Our very first introduction class……… WOW what a challenge!! I felt like I was taking boot camp or something!! Almost changed my mind!! Very glad I didn’t!
What Is The Coolest Thing That You Have Achieved At CFJ East?
Back squatting my own body weight and T2B (Toes to Bar)!
What Changes In Your Health Have You Noticed Since Starting?
I’m definitely fitter physically!! I feel stronger inside and out! I have done more adventurous things since I started CrossFit than I have ever done. That can’t be a coincidence!
Favourite Exercise?
Deadlift, back squats anything that makes me feel stronger.
What Is Your Biggest Challenge In CrossFit?
My upper body strength definitely needs some improvement and also squatting has been a challenge because of my ankle mobility, but I am working on it and improving!
List Some Of Your Big Goals.
I want to be able to complete the Autumn Throw down next year with flying colors! Do some kipping pull-ups, like 50 nonstop and some hand stand push-ups will be wonderful.
What Is Your Nutrition Fit? (Paleo, Zone, Anything And Everything, Etc.)
I started with Paleo a few months ago but have gone serious for the winter challenge and have seen results. We plan to stick to it as much as possible at the end of the challenge.
If You Could Invite 3 Famous People To Dinner, Who Would They Be?
Emma Stone – My favorite actress! I think she is crazy funny and will be an awesome person to meet and I’m sure we will be instant friends!! 🙂
Tiffany Maher from you think you can dance
And I’m definitely going to need a bigger table because I just couldn’t choose between Katie Hogan, Andrea Ager, Annie Thorisdotter, Lindsey Smith. The list just goes on! Some amazing, strong women in CrossFit circles!
Who Inspires You At CFJ East?
Definitely my husband! Always game for any challenge! I definitely would not have started CrossFit without him! And my coaches! They have supported and motivated me from day one! Definitely don’t get that everywhere! And all the CrossFit Ladies worldwide pro or not.
Tell Us Something We Don’t Know About You.
I really love nature! Wanted to be a vet growing up or a dancer, love to dance!!