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Chalmar Beef Athlete of the Month: April 2015

Marc has been a part of the CFJ and CFJ East community for more than 3 years now and continues to refine his technique and make progress daily through his consistency in training, despite having to work night shifts each week. He now also gets to train alongside his brother Sean and cousins Karl and Tanya Heuer. CrossFit is an excellent way to get fit, we know that, but it’s also a great way to spend time with family and friends in an altogether different surrounding. Congrats, Marc!


Marc Tasker

What do you do for a job?
I currently work for Airlink as an Aircraft Line Maintenance Engineer. Basically keeping the aircraft serviceable and up in the air! I’m also currently busy with my new Pilots Licence with aspirations to eventually fly Aircraft for a living and not just fix them.

How long have you been training at CFJ East?
I Started at CFJ HQ in 2011 with my cuz Karl Heuer and after about 2 years of blood, sweat and even more sweat I had to stop due to new shifts I started at work, I started again at CFJ East last year and it’s great to be back!

How did you first hear about CrossFit?
I first heard about CrossFit through a friend, and after many years of being unhealthy and unfit, I decided I had to change my attitude and get healthy again!

Are there any memories from your first days that you’d like to share?
Something I will never forget is the first time doing the Base Line Fitness test, the feeling after finishing like I was going to die and thinking that CrossFit was not for me and I should just give up now. I pushed through the rest of the JumpUp program and haven’t looked back!

What is the coolest thing that you have achieved at CFJ East?
So far, convincing my brother to join in on the fun and pain! And being able to do multiple HSPU and Muscle Ups never thought I would be able to do those!

What changes in your health have you noticed since starting?
Besides the improvement in fitness and my health, just a general improvement in my attitude and confidence, being able to workout your frustrations or just get a good energetic vibe at the start of the day helps alot.

Favourite exercise?
I really enjoy the gymnastics side of CrossFit, working all those muscles you never knew you had before, and Olympic lifting is always fun!

What is your biggest challenge in CrossFit?
Having to wake up at 04:30 in the morning during winter to get to the box…workout wise I think I lack in the stamina and endurance side and is something I need to work on.

List some of your big goals.
To take Part in the CrossFit Games Open next year and to generally get more involved in the competitive and social side of Crossfit.

What is your nutrition fit? (Paleo, Zone, anything and everything, etc.)
My diet is something I neglect and which I need to focus on more, especially with my unusual sleeping pattern from night shift which leads to unusual and unhealthy eating habits.

If you could invite 3 famous people to dinner, who would they be?
I’m a bit of a geek at heart so I would have to say George Lucas (creator of Star Wars), Stan Lee (MARVEL comics) and finally Jeremy Clarkson (ex-Top Gear presenter) for comedic relief.

Who inspires you at CFJ East?
Going to suck up a bit, but Coach Carl and Andre for having the courage to start your own Box and taking the time to train all of us, thanks Guys.

Tell us something we don’t know about you.

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